My Justice Journey

I wish I had been in the room that day. The day a group of people decided that preaching and acting out the gospel should be separated. I would have stood up, lifted my voice and begged them to stop. 

A fork in the road?

Growing up, I felt like I was jumping between two different ways of thinking. At university, Christians I knew wanted to make sure we could briefly explain the main points of the gospel story to anyone who asked. Then, other Christians I knew were setting up late-night outreach ministries for clubbers. Giving them a bottle of water and providing a safe space on their way home. Both groups’ motive was to preach the gospel and share God’s love. However, the separation of words and deeds didn’t feel right. Was there a need for a fork in the road, or could the two paths merge?

A landmark moment

At university, I met some leaders from the We Are Tearfund community. They showed me how words and acts could be integrated and go hand in hand. They spoke of a holistic gospel where Jesus came to restore our relationship with God and others, ourselves, and creation. The goodness of the gospel spread much further than I had learnt so far. 

I was captivated by this, and it just felt right from then on. This moment was a landmark in my journey in seeking justice. I continue to meet inspiring people along the way who have educated, mentored and helped me. I’ve grappled with some big Bible topics in community and by myself, and I’ve had opportunities to influence those around me by giving talks. I have spoken about living a ‘people and planet friendly’ lifestyle and my pursuit of everyday acts of kindness and generosity. 

Find a pit-stop

On this justice journey, there have been some much-needed pit stops. One such pit-stop that has given me energy for the journey has been The Justice Conference. I believe that reading the Bible with others helps us understand what God is asking of us as a body. I am committed to learning in community. The Justice Conference provides this space, time and time again, whether at an in-person gathering, an online event, or in their Instagram posts sharing thought-provoking quotes. 

This March 2022, The Justice Conference is going on tour to four cities in the UK – Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Bristol. Each event will have local people talking about needs in their cities and how we can be part of solutions to those problems. Guest speakers will unpack the Bible to see God’s influence through us in the world. We want see the Kingdom of God be demonstrated here on earth!

The Justice Conference prioritises making sure we hear the voices that aren’t always given a mic in the UK. This tour will be no different. We will hear from voices from around the world all without any carbon emissions! They will join via video to talk about justice and poverty where they are. 

Get on board

If you want a pit-stop on your justice journey – where you can deepen your understanding of the gospel – then book your free ticket to The Justice Conference On Tour. Come and play your part in lifting your voice against issues of injustice in Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff or Bristol with us. 

If you can’t attend the event, don’t worry. The Bristol event will also be online, so you can come along to from the comfort of your sofa!

Find out all the details of when, where and how right here, via this link online.

If you’re a young person, we are going to host an after party after each session! More details to come soon, but make sure you hang around after the event for some fun, good food and time to be in community together.

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