The only leader to ever live, die and rise again is Jesus. Although he walked the earth as human like us, his death and resurrection demonstrated his supernatural quality. He was a leader who knew the weakness of humanity and could empathise with that. He also knew the strength of God and drew upon that in times of crisis.
Let’s take a look at how Jesus responded to times of crisis, thinking through how we can learn and apply this leadership to our spheres of influence.
The Power of and Need for Prayer
When Jesus faced the agony of how much suffering he was about to experience, he sweated blood from the crippling anxiety. It was unbearable. Yet, Jesus prayed to his Father bringing his fears for what was to come and asked Him: ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; but not my will, but yours be done’.
Jesus took on the world’s suffering, embodying excruciating pain to relieve us of ours. In his time of crisis, prayer was the first action he took. We’ve been seeing #PrayForUkraine across the internet, a typical social call when there is conflict. May these hashtags never desensitise us to the necessity and power of prayer in these moments of crisis. The act of prayer is more than sharing a hashtag. It is using the direct line of communication with the Creator of this world.
As followers of Jesus, we must intercede for the people that are suffering; refugees and countless broken families. We must also intercede for the greedy and prideful puppeteers in leadership positions causing the devastation. Let’s not forget, we serve the same God who changed the heart of the murderous Saul, into the ambassador for Christ as Paul.
Let’s be bold and pray the same! Check out this resource for more suggestions as to how.
Calling Out Wrongful Actions
When Jesus saw the busyness and the economic profit occurring in his Father’s house, we read in the Bible that Jesus was angry at the injustice and hypocrisy he saw. Jesus displayed righteous anger which caused him to call out what was wrong.
When we engage on social media with war, and we see thousands fleeing for their safety and family breakdown – let’s be leaders like Jesus who call out what is wrong. Let’s call out where we see the results of a broken world, with broken people and a broken relationship with creation.
We read in John 3:17 that Jesus came not to condemn the world but to save it. Jesus knew his mission on earth and fulfilled the assignment. Our mission as followers of Jesus is to share how God’s heart breaks at injustice and evil. Let’s proclaim the good news that there will be eternal peace one day, which brings us hope. Let’s act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.
Acting Sacrificially
The demonstration of God’s love which changed the course of history 2,000 years ago, was the most significant sacrificial act ever shown to humanity. Jesus gave his innocent life to death so that we would never have to experience the punishment we deserve for our sins. He had to die and rise again so that we could rise again with him by receiving eternal life – if we choose it.
When darkness shows up in the world, it can only last temporarily. Light – in the form of Jesus – has already overcome the world. The darkness Ukraine faces is increasing, but we can hope for better days.
From where we are now, we may not be in a position to give our lives as Jesus did, but there are practical ways you can help. Matthew records these words of Jesus, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.
The future of leadership
We can look at the news and feel frustrated at the poor leadership and world systems revolving around selfishness. But let’s change the game and lead like Jesus.
Let’s be leaders who pray, call out wrongs and act sacrificially for the sake of the world.
Let’s lead in our spheres of influence.
Our action will reveal the true reality of God that humankind longs and needs to see.