We’ve had some incredible guests on the Together Podcast this year, making for lots of great conversations full of wisdom and laughter. If you want to listen, but don’t know where to start, these are the most popular episodes of 2020.
10. Ep 34 – Radical hospitality with Krish Kandiah

Whether it’s scouting for toilet roll, sharing flour or just checking in, this year we’ve all depended on the kindness of strangers more than ever before. But isn’t that how life should’ve always been? We spoke to the founding director of ‘Home for Good’, Krish Kandiah, about the Biblical call to hospitality and why that means orphanages should be banned.
9. Ep 22 – Saying yes to life with Ruth Valerio

It’s pretty hard to go a day without hearing more warnings about the climate crisis. But what do you think – are they just ‘prophets of doom’ or leaders of much needed change? We asked environmentalist, theologian and social activist, Ruth Valerio, for her thoughts on the climate crisis and spoke about her new book, ‘Saying Yes to Life’.
8. Ep 20 – Jesus the rebel with Dot Tyler

On this episode, join Dot Tyler as she stirs us up to dream and act big this year. And who else better for inspiration than Jesus himself? Come find out the side of Jesus they forget to mention in Sunday school.
7. Ep 31 – Clearing up Coronavirus with Ruth Valerio

The pandemic is one of the most disruptive moments of our lifetimes. So what are we to make of these strange times? We spoke to Ruth Valerio, who helped clear up how we ended up here and what we can do to help those being hit the hardest.
6. Ep 28 – Justice gets creative with Lucee

We’ve seen the story played out before – move to LA, climb the ranks of the creative world and become a star. But for Lucee, she moved to LA to find God, who then gave her a voice.
5. Ep 29 – Leading culture with Eugene Cho

Is changing the world overrated? Was Jesus a jerk? We sat down with Eugene Cho, a pastor, author and activist, to discuss all this and more.
4. Ep 30 – Breaking structures of injustice with Thandi Gamedze

You don’t fix a leak without finding the source, and for Thandi Gamedze you can’t get justice without addressing the system. The South African activist and poet sat down with and shared how we can demolish the unjust structures surrounding us.
3. Ep 25 – Finding justice in the midst of apartheid with René August

Imagine growing up in a world where you’re seen as sub-human because of your race. For René August, growing up in South Africa, this was her reality. Having seen the power of theology to both enslave and free people, the veteran of the anti-apartheid movement shares the importance of perspective, humility and working together towards justice.
2. Ep 32 – Decolonising church with Robert Beckford

While racism isn’t just a hot topic, it’s clear everyone is growing more aware of it. So how do we change the unjust systems surrounding us? Well according to academic and broadcaster, Robert Beckford, we could learn a lot from Jesus, Malcom X, and even Childish Gambino.
1. Ep 27 – No prayer, no justice with Pete Greig

What’s the link between pigeons, protests and church? Find out as we hear from Pete Greig. The founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement shares some words of wisdom with us on why prayer is essential to justice.
There you have it – ten podcast episodes that will change the way you think about faith and justice. There’s plenty more to check out as well, so make sure you subscribe and catch up. I’m off to give our episode with Game of Thrones‘ Bella Ramsey another listen!